In QSO's gebruikte afkortingen:
CW is een uitzonderlijke digitale mode, namelijk een die je zonder mechanieken kunt opwekken en ook kunt decoderen zonder mechanische en elektronische hulpmiddelen.
Altijd nuttig in noodgevallen, historisch bewezen, idee voor DARES , maar dat terzijde.
CW beleeft een opleving omdat bij PACC weer bleek dat het gros van de verbindingen in CW wordt gemaakt.
Voor de Kujer2 , heb ik een lijst samengesteld van de meest gebruikte Q codes en de Phillips code.
Het lijkt me voor de recente massale groep bekeerders naar CW ook nuttig en makkelijk om die bij de hand te hebben.
Hieronder volgt die op alfabetische volgorde.
30 - I have no more to send
33 - fondest regards
55 - success
73 - best regards
88 - love and kisses
99 - shut up, don't interfere
? - prosign <IMI> rpt, I say agn
a - a, an
aa - all after
ab - all before; allah bless
abt - about
ac - alternating current
adee - addressee
adr - address
ads - address
afsk - audio freq shift keying
agc - automatic gain control
agn - again
alc - automatic level control
am - amplitude modulation; before noon
ani - any
ans - answer
ant - antenna
ar - end of message also prosign
arnd - around
as - prosign for wait
at - @
atv - amateur television
avc - automatic volume control
b4 - before
bc - broadcast
bci - broadcast interference
bcl - broadcast listener
bcnu - be seeing you
bd - bad
bfo - beat frequency oscillator
bk - break, break in
bn - all between; been
bt - separation (break) between addr & text; between txt & signature
bth - both
btr - better
btw - by the way
bug - semi-automatic key, error in software
buro - qsl bureau
c - yes, correct
call - calsign, call
cb - call book ; citizend band
cba - call book address
ces - central european summer time
cet - central european time
cfm - confirm; I confirm
cheerio - greetings
ck - check
ckt - circuit
cl - I am closing my station; call
clbk - callbook
cld - called
cldy - cloudy
clg - calling
clr - clear air
cmg - coming
cnt - can't
cntct - contact
co - xtal oscillator
conds - conditions
condx - conditions
congrats - congratulations
cos - because
cpi - copy
cpy - copy
cq - calling any station
crd - card
cs - call sign
cu - see you
cuagn - call you again
cud - could
cul - call you later
cum - come
cuz - because
cw - continuous wave A1A
da - day
db - decibell
dc - direct current
de - from, this is
diff - difference
dld - delivered
dlvd - delivered
dn - down (frequency)
dr - dear
dwn - down (qsy)
dx - long distance
dxpdn - dx-expedition
eco - electron coupled oscillator
el - element
elbug - electronic bug
enuf - enough
ere - hier
es - and
eu - europe
eve - evening
fb - fine business, excellent
fer - for
fm - frequency modulation: from
fone - telephony
fq - frequency
fr - for
frd - friend
freq - frequency
frm - from
fsk - frequency shift keying
ft - feet
fwd - forwards
ga - go ahead; good afternoon
gb - good bye, god bless
gba - give better address
gd - good, good day
ge - good evening
gess - guess
gg - going
gl - good luck
gld - glad
gm - good morning
gn - good night
gnd - ground
gp - ground plane
gpa - ground plane
gr - group
gs - green stamp (usdollar bill)
gud - good
gv - give
gvg - giving
ham - radio amateur
hf - high frequency
hh - prosign error in sending also i i
hi - the telegraph laugh; high
hpe - hope
hq - headquarters
hr - here; hear; hour
hrd - heard
hre - here, hear
hrs - hours
ht - high tension ; height
hv - have
hvg - having
hvy - heavy
hw - how, how copy?
if - intermediate frequency
ii - I repeat
imi - repeat, say again
info - info
inp - input
irc - international reply coupon
ja - jap stn
k - go ahead
ka - prosign start of message
klix - key click
kn - go ahead, nobody else pse
lid - a poor operator (lousy incompetent dummy)
lil - little
lis - licensed
lng - long
lp - long transmission path
lsb - lower side band
lsn - listen(ing)
ltr - later; letter
luf - lowest usable frequency (popagation)
lv - leave
lvg - leaving
lw - long wire, long wave
ma - millamperes
mgr - manager
mi - mijn
mill - typewiter
mils - millamperes
min - minute
mins - minutes
mni - veel
mom - moment
msg - message; prefix to radiogram
mtr - meter (wavelength or meas. instrument)
muf - maximum usable frequency (propagation)
mult - multiplier
n - no, negative, incorrect, no more, number nine
ncs - net control station
nd - nothing doing
nil - nothing; I have nothing for you
nm - no more
nr - number, near
nw - now; I resume transmission
ob - old boy
oc - old chap
ok - all sat
om - old man
op - operator
opr - operator
osc - oscillator
ot - old timer; old top
out - output
ow - old woman, spouse
pa - power amplifier
pbl - preamble (telegram header)
pep - peak envelope power
pkg - package
pls - please
pm - after noon
pse - please
psed - pleased
pt - point
pwr - power
px - press, prefix
qlf - try the other foot (qsd)
qq - qubical quad
qra - name of my stn is ..
qrb - distance between stns
qrg - tx frequency
qrh - unstable frequency
qri - CW tone (1 gd, 2 var 3 bd)
qrj - sigs 2 bd
qrk - readability 1 (bd)..5 (fb)
qrl - busy don't disturb
qrm - interference 1..5
qrn - static noise 1..5
qro - higher output
qrp - lower output
qrq - increase cw speed
qrs - lower cw speed
qrt - stop transmitting
qru - I have msg fr u
qrv - I am ready
qrx - wait
qrz - ? wie roept
qsa - strongth of signals 1..5
qsb - fading
qsd - bad morse code
qsk - full breakin
qsl - confirm reception
qso - two way radio contact
qsp - relay msg
qst - cq distributive
qsv - transmit vvv vvv
qsy - change frequency
qsz - transmit twice
qtc - I have .. msgs
qth - location of station
qtr - correct time
qts - tx call in order to tune
r - received as transmitted; are; decimal point
rac - recified alternating current
rc - ragchew
rcd - received
rcvd - received
rcvr - receiver
re - concerning; regarding
re - regarding
ref - refer to; referring to; reference
rf - radio frequency,
rfi - radio frequency interference
rig - station equipment
rmks - remarks
rprt - report
rpt - repeat, report
rst - readability, strength, tone
rtty - radio teletype
rx - receive, receiver
s - and
sa - say
sae - self addressed envelope
sase - self-addressed, stamped envelope
sed - said
sez - says
sgd - signed
shud - should
sig - signature; signal
sigs - cw signalen
sine - operator's personal initials or nickname
sk - silent key
sked - qso on schedule
sn - soon
sp - short transmission paeh
sri - sorry
ss - sweepstakes
ssb - single side band
sstv - slow scal tewlevision
stn - station
sum - some
svc - service; prefix to service message
swl - short wave listener
swr - standing wave ratio
t - zero (number)
t/r - transmit/receive
tbs - radio tubes
tcvr - tranceiver
test - testing or contesting
tfc - traffic
thru - through
tia - thanks in advance
tis - till I send
tks - thanks
tks - thanks
tmp - temperature
tmw - tomorrow
tnx - thanks
tof - try the other foot (qsd)
tr - transmit
trbl - trouble
trcvr - tranceiver
trix - tricks
trub - trouble
trx - tranceiver
tt - that
tts - that is
tu - thank you
tvi - television interference
tvl - television watcher
tx - transmitter; transmit
txt - text
u - you
ufb - ultra fine business
uhf - 300 - 3000 mhz
unlis - unlicensed
up - upwards (qsy)
ur - your; you're
urs - yours
usb - upper sideband
utc - gmt universal time coordinated
ve - understood
vert - vertical (antenna)
vfb - very fune business
vfo - variable frequency oscillator
vhf - very high frequency (30-300 mhz)
vy - very
w - watts
wa - word after
watsa - what say ?
wb - word before
wd - word
wds - words
wid - with
wkd - worked
wkg - working
wl - well; will
wpm - words per minute
wrd - word
wrk - work
wtts - watt
wud - would
ww - would
wx- weather
xcvr - transceiver
xmas - christmas
xmtr - transmitter
xtal - crystal
xyl - wife
y - yes
yf - wife xyl
yl - young lady
yr - year
z - gmt
zbe - strange phenomena (dutch org: zuster buitenhuis effect)